What Kenya did to me – Part 10

Lasting Impressions

I have joined a conservation group

This past year was devastating to the North Atlantic right whales, fourteen died from boat impacts and entanglement in fishing gear. I just didn’t want to be part of the problem any more, so I gave up eating fish and returned to full veganism. So many species are endangered or at risk because of habitat loss, it was time for me to get involved.   I now do my best to promote the safekeeping of our environment as a member Nature NB.

My camera goes everywhere with me.

I have taken a few photography classes at the local university to improve my skills. What a fantastic hobby. I wouldn’t have found blogging either if I hadn’t done this trip. I very much enjoy wildlife and landscape photography.


My future travels.

The National Museum of Kenya alone changed my view of where and how I want to travel. After having been in the cradle of mankind and witnessed the skeleton of Lucy, our first ancestor to walk upright, the thought of looking at old architecture in Europe now seems mundane. The wild areas of the world are now where I will be found.

me top of mount carleton
Me top of mount Carlton, Carleton Provincial Park, New Brunswick

Animals are just like us

I have explained this in my posts over and over: they love, work, have children and try their best to give their offspring the tools they need to survive. We need to respect them as our equals.

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Hakuna Matata isn’t just a song in The Lion King.

It is a saying to live by. The people of Kenya think differently than we do. They don’t plan for tomorrow and live for the day they can retire, they live for today because a hippopotamus could kill you while you wash your shirt in the river. I have come away with a more focused view of life. Do what you want to now, before it is too late.

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Taking pride in your work makes a difference

We arrived at our hotel Savor Stanley, in Nairobi early in the morning – 2 am. their time. The restaurant was empty and we walked in. I believe they may have been closing up, the bartender was washing the bar top down, but he insisted we come in and have a seat. We had a couple of Tusker beers. I remember thinking that if we were home, the servers would be trying to push us out the door so they could close up and go home.

Another example is my sandal that the lady repaired, which lasted long after the trip was completed. She did such a beautiful job, the stitches were impeccable.

I can’t forget the doorman who went out and stopped traffic outside the hotel in Nairobi and accompanied us across the street. And those who accompanied us to our tents after dark to ensure our safety. Of course our guide Eric –  his knowledge of his homeland, the species and their habitat was impressive. He brought a standard of excellence to work every day.

All of them went above and beyond.

Beers in the bar
Beers in the bar well past closing time.


My world has expanded

I am very grateful that my eyes have been opened and I can see the personal sacrifice the people of Kenya, and all of Africa, have gone through.  I now spend time reading  and keeping up on their news and politics to know what is happening. I say to them: If you had chosen our path to success, it would have annihilated all the herds of wild animals. please see Last male Northern White Rhino Dies-Sudan- 1973 – 2018.

For all the struggles, corruption, and foreign influences, you still maintain your wild places, and stay true to your heritage and values – they are the key to your wealth and your future. One day the roles will be reversed. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

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Happy Travels from Maritime Mac.

This concludes my Kenyan trip. If you missed any of it here are the links. And please stay tuned — the next up; is 10 hours in Cairo, Egypt.

What Kenya Did To Me,- Kibera Part 1

What Kenya Did to Me: Samburu Part 2

What Kenya did to me: Ol Pejeta, Part 3

What Kenya did to me-Lake Nakuru Part 4

What Kenya did to me- On the road P5

What Kenya did to Me: Lower Masai Mara P6

What Kenya did to me-Upper Masai Mara, Kenya – Part 7

Upper Masai Mara – Part 8 Day 2

What Kenya did to me.- Good bye. Part 9



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18 thoughts on “What Kenya did to me – Part 10

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  1. We share the same views on life and the living. “For all the struggles, corruption, and foreign influences, you still maintain your wild places, and stay true to your heritage and values – they are the key to your wealth and your future.” And I have cried over the last white, male rhino.


    1. Thank you Curt. I have had such great feed back. I am proud of how it turned out and glad people have enjoyed it. It was definitely a labour of love and I am missing it already. Summer is around the corner so there will be more adventures to fill the gap. cheers

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Always more adventures out there, Kelly. Even for us ‘older’ folks. I intend to go on a thousand mile backpack trek this summer. Not bad for 75! 🙂


  2. Great stories, thank you for sharing. I agree with your comments about the lives of these animals in the wild. I don’t like going to zoos or aquarium types. Sometimes friends and family tease me that I’m too sensitive but I truly believe as you say – animals are like us. Just like people from different cultures with different languages, we just need to be willing to spend some time listening and observing. We soon find that we are all quite similar. Looking forward to more stories.


    1. I am an animal lover but I didn’t realize that the wild animals are so like us. And I agree with you comment, like human with a different culture. This how I see them now. I appreciate you support and I will be sure to return the favour. Cheers Roz


    1. Thank you, Not everyone gets educated in travel. if they stay in resorts and never leave the beach but I look for life enriching experiences and to me that is the best thing about travel. Cheers friend


  3. I am a middle school teacher and just this past week as my class worked on a map of Africa one of my students asked me where I would go if I could go anywhere in the world. My answer was Kenya, I am jealous.


  4. Nice post. Traveling in general and especially abroad is such a blessed opportunity to gain greater perspective and appreciation. It sounds like you got a lot out of your trip. Thanks for sharing it 🙂


    1. It was eye opening and the affect has transformed me for the better. I am glad you stopped by to leave a comment. The word press community is a wonderful place to find like minded people. Cheers


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