The Last Fatal Duel. New Maryland, NB


Here is the story of New Brunswick’s Last Fatal Duel. Enjoy


I thought I was done digging into the past. But while On The Trail of Loyalists, . I unearthed some characters, (Pardon the Pun) that left behind a legacy beyond honour and Old Glory.

 Who Done it?

George Frederick Street, born 21 July, 1787 in Burton, N.B. to a British land granted immigrant. He was a lawyer, politician a judge, an educator and a public servant. He was well-respected in the community and his father served with the British Forces in the 13 colonies, but he was never part of the inner circle of the politically connected Loyalist’s.

George Ludlow Wetmore, born 26 Dec, 1795 in Gagetown, N.B., He was a second generation Loyalist, his father was the attorney general of New Brunswick. He was well-connected with the Loyalist elite and had a promising future..

Both joined into partnership of their father’s law offices and were in competition for cases.

What Started it?

 Lawyer George Street, sent the sheriff with an arrest order, for a man named Jacob Smith Sr, but it was supposed to have been issued for Jacob Smith Jr. The senior Jacob Smith, mad as a hatter, charged the sheriff with false arrest and imprisonment and hired lawyer George Ludlow Wetmore, to represent him at the York County Court house in Fredericton.

York Country Court House Queen Street
Scene of the Trial at the York County Court house, Queen Street, Fredericton  A National Historic Site

During the trial it was unquestionably a case of mistake identity and the case was not defend-able. 

So what Happened Next?

 George Ludlow Wetmore, who was acting for the plaintiff, verbally insulted the ethic  and integrity of his peer, saying he should be charged with “unprofessional misconduct.”  George Street was so offend, they nearly came to blows outside the courtroom.  George Wetmore’s father, The Hon. Thomas Wetmore-the Attorney General, broke up the fight between the barristers and the matter was thought to be over.


Wetmore was still smoldering mad all evening about the public humiliation and the insult to his good name, that he came up with a solution.  By 11 am the next morning, he had arranged his “Second”  John Winslow, to go to Street’s home with a summons to meet for a duel. Despite it being illegal, George Street agreed; as long is it was close by and hastily completed.

Mean while In New Maryland

present site of the old Segee farm
Present site of the old Segee farm old apple orchard. Applewood Acres at the corner of Cortland and Russet st.


old apple orchard
site of the apple orchard corner of Cortland and Russet

 Wetmore’s friend-Winslow, tried to convince George Street to apologize to Wetmore, but he refused and so the duel was set for 6 am Tuesday morning, in the apple orchard on the Segee farm, in New Maryland.

Both men brought a “second” George Street, brought Lt Richard Davis, and George Wetmore was accompanied by John Francis Wentworth WinslowThe pistols were selected and loaded, the paces counted out and rules reiterated. Both Wetmore and Street, were to keep their pistols pointing towards the ground until the signal to fire.

Mural of the Due
Mural of the duel by Monica Curry, in the Wetmore-Street Pub, New Maryland


Davis shouted and two rounds cracked the silence. When the smoked cleared neither man had been hit.  Street-had purposely shot at the ground, knowing Wetmore had three children, and his wife was pregnant with their fourth child.  Wetmore’s shot had narrowly missed Street’s head. The “seconds” declared it over and asked Wetmore to abandon the duel. Wetmore was stubborn and insisted a second shot was necessary to satisfy his anger.

“Fire”  was again shouted and this time, Wetmore came away with a shot to his elbow, that ricocheted up and penetrated his temple. He crumpled to the ground.  Street ran to the fallen man and cradled him. Wetmore was still alive and Street sent Winslow to get help at the Segee farm-house. Mr Segee came and brought Wetmore into his house and sent his son for a doctor.  Street, Davis and Winslow set out at a hard gallop for the Maine border.

 George Ludlow Wetmore, succumbed to the fatal shot and was laid to rest in the Old Burial Grounds in Fredericton.

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The trio returning four-month later to stand trail for murder. Judge Saunder presided over the trial.(Please read My Fredericton, New Brunswick. and On The Trail of Loyalists for more on the loyalist of Fredericton.) Farmer Segee swore he didn’t see the event or persons involved and the jury acquitted them.

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After Thoughts

In 1933 Dr. George Frederick Clark, passed away and upon sorting out his estate, there tucked away in a bureau, where two brass plated pistols. One was scratched with the name Segee. They have been linked to the duel.

Picture of dueling Pistals
Picture of pistols in the Wetmore-street Pub, New Maryland, New Brunswick. Supposedly these are the pistols used in the famous duel found among possession of the estate of New Brunswick Author Dr. George Frederick Clark the name Segee scratched into the plating of on of the pistols.


The only acknowledgement of the duel is the sign on the highway.  No plaque or tourist locations is land-marks.  Several times  I wandered around Fredericton’s  old burial ground, sadly it has fallen into horrible disrepair. the old grave map at the entrance on Church Street places names him in section 3 with the dates of 1795-…. George Wetmore’s headstone. is unmarked or has fallen over and sunken into the earth, becoming indistinguishable.   I did find his father’s, Hon. Thomas Wetmore. The stone taken over by licken and a century of grim. I traced the letters of his named chiseled into the headstone, they too will soon disintegrate with the elements.

 research states  George Wetmore’s  wife lived to be ninety-four and his son Andrew Rainsford Wetmore, became premier of New Brunswick during confederation in 1867. Please see In Honour of Canada’s 150th If you like a Confederation history.

I was unable to find where George Frederick Street resided, or where he was buried. He died in London in 1855. He lived the rest of his life with moderate successes in law and politics.

The best place to get a feel for the duel is at Wetmore-Street Pub.  530 New Maryland Highway 101. Current;y Open Wednesday-Friday 11 am to 9 pm 

I want to thank the staff of the pub for giving me directions and letting me take pictures in the pub of the mural and pictures on their wall.

 Updated July 2021

Following-up on my promise to check the grave-yard for George Wetmore’s grave in better weather. following the guide marked at the cemetery entrance,  I went to section 3 on a walkabout.  Most of the stones have been knocked from them stands. It was sad to walk past so many plots unrecognizable-the last vestige of a persons final marker on this earth desecrated. With my fingers, I traced the etchings of many names in the stones, trying to distinguish what was inscribed but I was unable to locate George Wetmore’s grave.

It is either unmarked,  or sunken and partially reclaimed by the earth.  There was a truck parked in the area and I walked up to it, seeing two men at work: one scaping compound with a trowel, onto a plaster hawk, the other seeing me -came toward me.  I spoke unannounced, ” I am looking for George Wetmore- the guide plaque, at the entrance, has him listed in section 3. This is section 3, but it is a frigging disgrace. The people of Fredericton should be ashamed at the state of their founders final resting place.” I fell silent hoping for a reply.  The men in front of me looked at one another, and they shared a quick unspoken word, then their eyes slide toward me.

A submissive voice said, ” Wetmore,…. I don’t remember seeing that name.”  Another pause happened and another look between coworkers. I try again to jog their memories, ” Have you heard of the last fatal duel?  That is what the New Maryland sign on the exit off the Trans Canada Highway states”  A couple of shoulder raises and blank stares.  I tried a different angle. “Have you heard of the Wetmore-Street pub?” That got a spark of recognition.  “Well  it is named after the two men that took part in New Brunswick’s last fatal duel and Georg Wetmore is buried here in this cemetery.”  Seemingly impressed, the one man caved and said, “We just finished fixing those there…..” he lifted his chin upward towards the five or six upright headstones  in front of us.. I paused for a moment to look at them, then my eyes sweeping a line across the cemetery. These men have their work cut out for them.. ” Ok thanks for caring” I walked away.  George Wetmore once again undiscovered.


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No gifts, benefits of payment was received for this post.  It is my own interest and experience

Cheer, and happy travels from Maritime Mac



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31 thoughts on “The Last Fatal Duel. New Maryland, NB

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    1. I would guess, He was the older of the two, Wetmore was young and fearless. I read numerous account of the event, most were similar facts. I enjoyed reading about it and bring to life the characters. Thanks for reading it.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Kelly:

    Hope all is well. Very interesting story. Havre a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Keep these posts going. I enjoy reading them.



    1. Yes, What I read said that the Wetmore’ second begged Street to reconsider and apologize at length but he wouldn’t. several accounts say the argument outside the court room was very heated and potentially someone slapped someone but no confirmation. It must have been quiet dramatic for the elder barrister to agree to the Duel.


  2. Really great story: engaging and informative. I genuinely enjoy being able to learn more about Canada’s history! I’ve always had such pleasant times there, but I know shamefully little about it. If I continue with my education after finishing my MA (a big if at this point), I might even consider going to school in one of the Eastern provinces of Canada.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for this article and this great look into my family history! The Hon. Thomas Wetmore (George’s father) was my five-times great-grandfather. I had not previously explored this story. The collection of pictures is wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Old Loyalist Burial Ground, Fredericton

    The signs can be easily missed: a half-covered entrance, a single handrail. Two hundred years ago, those who did not survive that terrible first winter were buried close at hand. Golden dandelions with royal ruffs cluster beside deep wheel ruts. Red-shouldered Blackbirds flit from branch to branch. Grosbeaks swarm like bees in black and yellow flocks. The river still flows fresh and high and fiddleheads thrust their creaking way through untidy debris. Inside the burial ground, two leaning stones, their inscriptions blurred like yesterday’s half-erased chalkboard, mock the well-mown lawn and latest monument. Mosquitoes whine and descend in squadrons. Leeches rise, draw blood and, gorged, subside. Late sunlight clots its spring song earthwards. Seeds thrust impatiently to leaf and flower: underground bustle of root and hustling worm.

    From Stars at Elbow and Foot (Selected Poems, 1979-2009).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am a descendent of Judge David Brown Wetmore 1764-1845. I enjoyed your story very much. I have been working on my family history and am enjoying the journey. I hope to get to St. John, NB,
    where my mother was born and visit some of the sights you mentioned. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. I am so pleased to hear from a living relative, Fantastic, I am honored. I hope when you come to New Brunsiwick, I will get a chance to meet you. I thought it was an excellent story and so little written and remembered about it.


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